News Archive

29 August 2013

Sheepcon Meet 'n' Greet!

Hey Folks!

We have decided to have a Meet ’n’ Greet Sheepcon Gamers night!

Drop in and say hi for 5 minutes or stick around and chat with us for 5 hours.
No need to RSVP, just turn up and say hi!

Where: La La Land, Hardware St in the Melbourne CBD!
When:  6 'til close on Wednesday the 18th of September!

When the four of us decided to run a gaming convention, we were on a roadtrip back from having an absolute blast at Conformat in Adelaide. We met Peter and Dallas and a bunch of other folk who made the experience so completely memorable that we wanted to share that feeling with people in Melbourne.

Of course there are some great other gaming conslike Arcanacon, Unicon, Conquest,
et al.—but for us…We wanted a con that was specifically designed to help people get gaming groups together, encourage folk to explore the kinds of new games turning up in the industry and especially entice new gamers to try out this completely addictive hobby!


The Meet ’n’ Greet is happening for us all to be able to meet the GMs and players who are going to make Sheepcon 2013 into a really and truly and especially fun event! If you’re nervous about coming alone, bring a friend! 

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