News Archive

30 October 2013

Sheepcon Survival Guide

19 of 36 games are either filling up or full for Sheepcon. It's hippedy hoppedy happening folks!

If you've already signed up, here's a final checklist. Have you got your:
✓ Sheepcon survival bag packed
✓ Unique dice to show off
✓ Vorpal blade in safety harness or leash
✓ Humorous-yet-inoffensive tshirt picked
✓ Practiced your lucky dice throw maneuver (remember, if you don't knock-out at least two people per throw, it's not lucky enough)
✓ Perfumed THANKYOU cards for all our wonderful GMs, without whom this con would never have happened

Make sure you have these six all-important items ticked off before you enter the Revolt Zone.

And if you haven't signed up, c'mon get to it!

Remember folks: all un-leashed vorpal blades and un-muzzled singing swords will be SENT HOME.

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