19 of 36 games are either filling up or full for Sheepcon. It's hippedy hoppedy happening folks!
If you've already signed up, here's a final checklist. Have you got your:
✓ Sheepcon survival bag packed
✓ Unique dice to show off
✓ Vorpal blade in safety harness or leash
✓ Humorous-yet-inoffensive tshirt picked
✓ Practiced your lucky dice throw maneuver (remember, if you don't knock-out at least two people per throw, it's not lucky enough)
✓ Perfumed THANKYOU cards for all our wonderful GMs, without whom this con would never have happened
Make sure you have these six all-important items ticked off before you enter the Revolt Zone.
And if you haven't signed up, c'mon get to it!
Remember folks: all un-leashed vorpal blades and un-muzzled singing swords will be SENT HOME.
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