News Archive

19 October 2013

Sunshiine, fiasco and- umm ginger beer!

The sun is out, the wind is wild and we have just under a month before Sheepcon!  

It’s a fiiine spring day here in Melbourne and I’ve just delivered another round of Sheepcon fliers to the city’s pop-culture outlets.  Phew, long walk.

We’d like to say thanks guys for all the input that we’ve had over the last few months. Sheepcon has been greeted with friendliness and enthusiasm since the get-go! We received some great advice from the Unicon and Conformat teams as well as a lot of GM and player input from RL friends and Facebook pals alike.

We’re in the last leg now, a four-week run up to the con itself and absolutely everything is locked in.

If you haven’t yet registered to play, now’s the time! The games have started to fill up, so jump on to the website and tell your friends to do the same - because the earlier you get your registration started, the more your preferences count in the final tally.

If you have any trouble with the registration process, shoot an email to and we’ll help you out ASAP!

Happy gaming! Play out in the park today!

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